Intern Wars in CSS/CS2

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Dear noAim'ers, regulars and guests,

From now on, Intern Wars will be played in CSS every Tuesday from 7:30 p.m. (CS2 only by vote)

On December 12th, 2023, 2 internal wars were successfully played in CSS again.

Intern Wars are played on the noAim War servers. (The CSS custom map list can be found in the description in the Channel selection in Teamspeak)

What happens to the other days of the week depends, of course, on you regulars, guests and members and how actively you participate. The more active the more Intern Wars will be played again.

Teams are again decided by 2 team captains. (Without shuffle page)

** At the beginning 2 players fight against each other. The winner can start the team selection, the loser can decide the map. **
