Clan Regeln/Rules

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    • Official Post


    1. General
      Every member must have the intern communication app Teamspeak 3 (5) / Discord and a functional headset.
      - Clan intern data / informations will not be discussed in public. (No page account sharing allowed)

      - Attendance is mandatory at Clan meetings. If you can't show up on the clan metting please unsuscribe from the clan meeting event page.
      - All persons involved in a Stream per Voice must be informed. Its not allowed to publish / pass on records without the consent of all those involved.
    2. No Cheating
      - Cheating is not being tolerated and will be punished with an exlusion from our clan. You will also be banned on all of our servers.
      - A VAC/Gameban/SMAC/Battleye/LittleAC or EasyAC Ban on the Main or Alternate account will be punished with an exlusion from our clan. (also smurf accounts)
    3. Respect / no insults
      - Insulting and swearing is not being tolerated. Respectful and fair treatment should be a matter of course.
      - The clan only allows names that are neither offensive nor harassing.
    4. Clantag
      - Members are obliged to set the clan tag "noAim| " in front of their Steam name.
      - The member name must be indentical to name used on the noAim page. (Otherwise there could be a clan tag fake ban)
      - It is not allowed to be in another CSS/CS2/A3 clan or to wear multiple clan tags.
    5. Disputed/Provoking
      - Disputes are not resolved in public. (If desired, a member of the clan management can be called in)
      Important: Demo/Screenshots for presentation are always useful.
    6. Absence
      - Longer absences are to be entered into the "absence list". ("Private" is also sufficient as a reason)

    Anyone who disregards one or more of these rules must expect consequences and may be punished with an exlusion from our clan.

    *Updated - 22.10.2023

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